Enrollment » Alternative Income Form Information

Alternative Income Form Information

Dear Parent/Guardian: 
Did you know that a sizable portion of the District funding is based on funding that is secured by our families submitting a simple form?  The Alternative Income Form contributes roughly $7 million to the general fund each year ultimately impacting EVERY student in the District. 
Without these funds, the future of music programs, student clubs, performing arts, sports, tutoring, and other services students and families use on a daily basis are at risk. 
Typically, we ask families to complete this form to determine eligibility for free or reduced price meals at school, which is an eligibility component of many funding programs operated by the state. Students in the state of California now eat breakfast and lunch for free regardless of eligibility! That’s not all, there are so many more benefits and rewards in addition to free meals. Although the State provides the funding, the California Department of Education will not receive any of the personal information you provide on the form.  Your privacy is very important to us.  Your information is safe, secure, and confidential. 
That’s where you come in - we need you to complete the form! 
Do you want to start saving for your child(s) future college education but cannot afford to?  – Complete the Form –  Every income eligible public school student in grades 1–12 will have: a CalKIDS account created in their name with a deposit of $500. Plus an additional $500 deposit for eligible students identified as foster youth. Plus an additional $500 deposit for eligible students identified as homeless. That’s up to $1,500 in free money for college!  
Does your student require additional assistance with understanding assignments?  – Complete the Form – You can help provide tutoring programs that give the students the extra help they need! 
Is your native language something other than English?  – Complete the Form – You can help secure funding for district translators and bilingual paraprofessionals! 
Does your child get excited about joining one of the many school clubs on campus? – Complete the Form – You can support student formed clubs with this funding. 
Do you have children under the age of five (5)? – Complete the Form – You can ensure they have access to fantastic pre-kindergarten programs jump starting early childhood education! 
Are your student’s teachers going the extra mile to make your child’s learning experience outstanding?  – Complete the Form – The professional development opportunities teachers receive are partially funded through these forms. 
And so much more… 
We will continue to do everything we can to support our community and nurture future generations.   
Help us receive every dollar we are entitled to from the state of California, by completing your form today!   
It’s fast, free, and easy.   