Governing Board » Overview


The Governing Board generally meets once a month throughout the year.  Meetings begin with a closed session at 5:00 p.m. followed by the regular board meeting at 6:00 p.m. 
Specific meeting locations are posted online along with the current board agenda. For more information, contact our superintendent's office at (619) 825-5600.

As of July 2021, the Lemon Grove School District has implemented a new online digital agenda platform called Board Docs. Board Docs is a digital system for managing agendas and minutes. To view or download minutes and/or agendas using Board Docs, click on "Board Docs" below:
Click Here ----->  BOARD DOCS

To view minutes and/or agendas prior to July 2021, click to navigate to the Board Documents Archive - year and month of the document you are interested in.

The complete board packet can be downloaded from Board Docs 72 hours preceding a Regular Board Meeting and 24 hours preceding a Special Board Meeting.