Technology Services » Tech Set Up Request

Tech Set Up Request

Email completed form to the Help Desk
You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours once your request has been scheduled.

Please Note: All requests must be submitted 48 hours in advance. Thank you.

Technology department technology set up protocol:

1. Department/School submit Technology Set Up Request Form a minimum of 48 hours prior to the event.

2. The technology set up will occur by 1 hour prior to the event starting.

3. A technician will meet the event representative 30 minutes prior to the event starting to ensure the technology setup is working properly. The technician will leave the event location about 10 minutes after the event begins or when the event representative indicates the technology is properly functioning.

4. The event representative is expected to lock the event room location when the event is completed. A technology representative will collect all technology devices as soon as they are available.